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Jornada 'Organoides al servicio de la investigación: aplicaciones, avances y retos'

01/24/2024 - 10:00
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Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery

Oculoplastic and orbital surgery is a sub-specialism that treats the pathology related to the eye attachments, with four main fields of interest: orbital pathology, tear duct anomalies, anophthalmic cavity pathology and eyelid disorders.

The Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery service has the accreditation
Authorship: Vall d'Hebron
Creation date: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Modification date: 18.05.2020, 16:55
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Neuro-ophthalmology and Strabismus

This Section treats conditions affecting the optic nerve and Strabismus, a loss of ocular alignment.

The Neuro-ophthalmology and Strabismus service has the accreditation
Authorship: Vall d'Hebron
Creation date: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Modification date: 18.05.2020, 10:54
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Uveitis and Eye Inflammation

Uveitis is an inflammation of the middle layer of the eye, the uvea, and can affect only the ocular and periocular region or it may be associated with systemic diseases. The aetiology of this clinical picture is very varied and includes trauma, infection, previous eye surgery, systemic inflammatory disease and others.

The Uveitis and Eye Inflammation service has the accreditation
Authorship: Vall d'Hebron
Creation date: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Modification date: 12.05.2020, 14:06
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The retina sub-specialism is a branch of ophthalmology concerned with studying, diagnosing and treating retina, uvea and vitreous conditions.

The Retina service has the accreditation
Authorship: Vall d'Hebron
Creation date: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Modification date: 18.05.2020, 09:00
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Integrated monitoring of patients with glaucoma, from diagnosis at the GP surgery/hospital to surgical treatment, where required.

The Glaucoma service has the accreditation
Authorship: Vall d'Hebron
Creation date: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Modification date: 12.05.2020, 09:05
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Corneal and Ocular Surface Section

Our Section deals with the diagnosis and treatment of all pathologies affecting the ocular surface, whether inflammatory, infectious, dystrophic, traumatic, tumour-related or degenerative.

The Corneal and Ocular Surface Section service has the accreditation
Authorship: Vall d'Hebron
Creation date: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Modification date: 12.05.2020, 10:12
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The Ophthalmology Department at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital offers integrated care to all those with conditions that affect eyes and eye attachments. We act as a national reference in various ophthalmological pathologies, attending patients from both Catalonia and the rest of Spain. This care work is complemented by important teaching and research activity, which allows us to remain at the forefront of our specialty.

The Ophthalmology service has the accreditation
Authorship: Vall d'Hebron
Creation date: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Modification date: 15.06.2020, 10:11
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The Ophthalmology Teaching Unit at Vall d'Hebron Hospital has several decades of experience in academic training, both formal and continuous, in the subject of Ophthalmology in the degree in Medicine and in the training, via MIR (internal residency), of doctors specialised in ophthalmology.

Accredited places


Research groups

Ophthalmology training itinerary

Contact with the teaching unit

"Ophthalmology is defined as the medical and surgical specialty related to the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders and diseases".

"Ophthalmology specialists attend to patients with ocular pathology. Their competencies include the study, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of eye conditions". 


Teaching activities 

  • Training of students completing a degree in Medicine at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, in the subject of Ophthalmology, corresponding to the fourth year of that academic pathway.
  • Organisation of doctoral courses included in official programmes to obtain the necessary credits for a doctoral degree.
  • Supervision and tutoring of doctoral theses in the specialty of ophthalmology. This includes the entire process of completing a doctoral thesis: from choosing a topic, through field work and statistical study, to presenting the thesis before a panel of judges and the subsequent awarding of the doctoral degree.
  • Internal residency training in the specialty of ophthalmology. The number of MIR places accredited each year in the specialty of ophthalmology at Vall d'Hebron Hospital varies between three and four depending on the Department's requirements.
  • Complementing the training of MIR doctors from other hospitals, through training placements in our Department.
  • Continuous training of the different professionals who make up the Ophthalmology Department. Includes clinical sessions (two a week for the entire Department, one presented by an attending physician and another by a resident, and one weekly for sub-specialty) and the organisation of conferences within our Department. To make the most of these, official accreditation is requested by official bodies.


he training of resident specialists in ophthalmology requires a special mention in this section, as it is one of our Department's priorities. To this end, we have a teaching structure based on each resident having a tutor, who is responsible for accompanying the resident during the four years of training. The ratio is one tutor for every 3-4 residents. They are responsible for ensuring the resident integrates into the Department, resolving any problems that may arise during the residency and acting as a means of communication between the various attending physicians, the Department Head and the resident. Tutors meet periodically with the residents they tutor, the other tutors in the Department and ultimate teaching leads (the Department Head and the Teaching Director). This is all geared towards achieving the best training profiles for our residents, so that by the end of the residency they are prepared to perform their professional role within the specialty with the utmost professionalism.


Why specialise at Vall d’Hebron?

  • Guarantee of excellent surgical training.
  • Guards in peers of Residents.
  • All subspecialities in the center, including pediatrics.
  • Research and active research.
  • Theoretical Attachment Sessions 4x/Week 
  • Extra practical training in surgery simulators.
  • Course and congressional attendance.
  • External rotational capability (4th year).
  • Great environment in service.



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