With you, we make a better future!
Your legacy or charity inheritance will allow you to make a lasting difference over time and will help us promote research in new and better treatments for tomorrow's health. Any contribution, however small, will make a difference.
How can I include Vall d'Hebron in my will?

To bequeath estate, rights or patrimony
You can mark which material goods (real estate, works of art, etc.) and/or non-materials (money or stocks) you want to leave the institution. You can also bequeath certain rights or a percentage of the total value of the estate.

Make Vall d'Hebron a joint-heir
You can designate Vall d'Hebron as a joint-heir. That is, you can designate more than one heir, whether people or institutions, specifying the percentage assigned to each of the parties.

Be your universal heir
In the event you do not have any heirs, you can hand over all your estate, rights and/or stocks to Vall d'Hebron.
What steps do I have to follow to include Vall d'Hebron in my will?

Ask for advice from a notary or lawyer
Consulting a specialist will help you resolve the questions you may have, guide you on the path to ensure the validity of the documentation and ensure that your will be honoured as established. In addition, a charitable will is exempt from inheritance and donation tax.

Include the Vall d'Hebron details in the will
At the time of making the will, it is important to include the institution's details to ensure that your will is honoured. The details are:
- Name: Fundació Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron - Institut de Recerca
- CIF: G-60594009
- Address: Passeig Vall Hebron, 119-129. Edifici Mediterrània. 08035 Barcelona

Inform us of your decision
We want to personally thank you for the decision and ensure that your wish is fulfilled. Let us know by phone on 93 151 76 41 or by emailing amicsvallhebron@vallhebron.cat. Any information you share will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Remember that a will is a simple and reversible procedure. We also recommend that you send us a copy of the will and inform a person of your certainty about your decision.
A will is a written document that a person creates voluntarily to state what their wishes are in terms of dealing with their estate after death.
Yes, you can appoint a single heir, more than one (joint-heir) or make a legacy.
Keep in mind that, by law, there is a part of the inheritance that corresponds to the forced heirs, this is called Legìtima. The person making the will (testator) cannot deprive them of this legitimate part, except in the cases provided for by the law.
A will refers to the estate, rights and duties that are transmitted to the successors when a person dies. This inheritance is divided into three parts:
- The aforementioned Legitima. Thus is the part of the inheritance that, by law, is divided between the forced heirs in equal parts.
- The improvement third. As with the Legitima, it is divided between the forced heirs, but not necessarily in equal parts. The testator can decide how this portion is divided.
- The free disposition third. This refers to the part of the testator's estate that they can freely leave to a person, be they a member of their family, a legal entity or a non-profit entity.
A legacy, on the other hand, refers to the estate or rights, separated from the inheritance, that the testator leaves to a person, institution or organization. There is, however, a maximum: It must not be detrimental to the Legitima corresponding to the forced heirs. The legacy must be expressly stated in the will and testament.
The three types of will are:
- Open. A will that is signed before a notary, with their advice, knowledge and legitimacy. It is the most simple, safe and habitual way of making a will. Despite the name, its contents are not public and the notary cannot reveal the contents until the death of the testator.
- Sealed. The testator delivers their will in a sealed envelope to the notary. The notary does not know the contents until it is opened, after the death of the testator.
- Holographic In this case, the person making the will writes the contents by hand. In order for it to be valid, special procedures must be carried out, with judicial intervention, upon the death of the testator. Its authenticity must also be confirmed before a notary.
You can bequeath different components of your estate:
- Properties.
- Money, shares, cash in banks or physical cash.
- A percentage of an estate.
- An investment fund.
- Jewels, works of art or antiques.
- Life insurance.
- Etc.
The Foundation will manage these assets through the appraisal of independent professionals and they will be put up for sale according to the valuation price; except in the case of money, investment funds or shares, which will be liquidated and transferred into the Foundation’s accounts.
No, 100% of your legacy will go to the projects we work on. The Foundation, as a legal entity, is not subject to inheritance tax. In addition, donations to a foundation, in the form of inheritance or a legacy, are exempt from corporate tax.
You can make a modification of your will. Legally there is no limit to the number of changes, but you must keep in mind that the last one will be the one that will have legal value.
As in the previous case, you will have to make a change to your will. Remember that the most recent document will be the one that will have legal value.
Your contribution will be used to finance research projects at the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital Foundation - Research Institute. We will work to fulfil your last wishes in collaboration with all the parties involved and complying with the legal obligations.
The notary that reads the will must notify us at the time of death. If you have an executor of the will, who is the person in charge of enforcing and executing the last will of the testator, they will be the person that notifies us or, if not, the other heirs.
However, we recommend that you send a copy of the will to the Foundation, in order to be able to fulfil your last wishes.