Benchmark centre Vall d’Hebron Advanced Clinical Simulation Centre The Vall d’Hebron Advanced Clinical Simulation Centre is integrated into Vall d'Hebron University Hospital and provides a cross-departmental service for the institution. It is one of the pillars of the Hospital Teaching Department and is governed by the Centre's operational and quality policy. The Vall d’Hebron Advanced Clinical Simulation Centre works to ensure that healthcare, teaching, research and innovation activities related to simulation have a direct impact on improving the quality of healthcare and patient safety, while strengthening innovative, simulation-related teaching methodology. Rephrase with Ginger (Ctrl+Alt+E) Virtual visit INNOVATION Know all the aspects of the simulation in Vall d'Hebron We pay attention in different formats to the Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus. See all options, and you can also find out how is the Center for Advanced Clinical Simulation. Programs SIMOONS Virtual Simulation Virtual visit and where we are SHARING KNOWLEDGE 4th Simulation Week From April 7 to 11, 2025, the Vall d'Hebron Advanced Clinical Simulation Centre celebrates the 4th Simulation Week. Don't miss it! Sign up Come and enjoy the experience! Come and anticipate the future! Share it We enhance innovative educational methodologies Simulation training Simulations for building non-technical skills, such as leadership, teamwork, communication, decision-making and situational awareness. Simulations for building technical skills. Gamification, online learning (e-learning), serious game, virtual reality. Tailoring of scenarios. Project advice Facilitation of the design of training activities in simulation. Promotion of research and development of new simulators and equipment. Fostering of new learning skills based on innovative teaching methods. Co-creation Development of new healthcare techniques through the creation of a safe and realistic spaces. Public-private collaboration with companies through co-creation and performance, usability, and user experience assessments. Know the projects External training Training of healthcare professionals in both basic and highly specialised procedures, using clinical simulation programmes that harness new methods and technology. Accessing the Vall d’Hebron Classroom. Know our activity RESIDENT TRAINING SIM-RADAR, the simulation curriculum for residents The simulation in Vall d'Hebron is a fundamental training tool for residents. For this reason, it is integrated into many of the training programs and is part of a continuous updating and improvement process. Discover it ACTIVITIES Award Best project or work in postgraduate teaching The project " eTEAMS: Team training in multidisciplinary assistance using health simulation", which has the collaboration of the Mutual Medical Foundation, receives the prize for the Best project or work in postgraduate education at the Educación Médica 2024 awards . ACTIVITIES New simulator co-created at the Centre A new simulator developed by Vall d'Hebron, Eurecat and Medical Simulator arrives at the Simulation Centre. Winco USG is an innovative device for learning to perform ultrasound-guided punctures. Further information ACTIVITIES Innovation Week The Simulation Centre participates in the different editions of the Week of Innovation organized by Vall d'Hebron by organizing workshops. ACTIVITIES 48h Open House BCN The Simulation Centre opens to the public through the 48 h Open House BCN, Barcelona's architecture festival. Centre staff guide various visits to the facilities. ACTIVITIES EIT Health 2023 We participate in the EITHealth PsyHealthWorXs project, a training project for psychosocial risk prevention in the workplace coordinated by RWTH University, Hospital Aachen. Centre experts participate in architecture and design. Further information DECALOGUE Challenges of clinical simulation Based on the conclusions of the workshop "The challenges of simulation in Catalonia", which had the participation of representatives from the field of teaching and simulation. Discover it Training schedule NEWS Follow the Centre's news Training activities, studies, news, new agreements... We invite you to keep up to date with all the activity of the Center for Advanced Clinical Simulation through the Twitter account. We also encourage you to interact by making proposals on simulation topics. Follow us Related news Vall d’Hebron and Cleveland Clinic sign an agreement to strengthen educational collaboration in the field of simulation 07/02/2025 Vall d’Hebron inaugurates the new Advanced Clinical Simulation Centre, a space for high-performance training and innovation in healthcare 25/04/2022 The first of Vall d’Hebron Innovation and Science Week comes to an end 19/11/2021 See more Contact Name Surname E-mail Explain the reason for your inquiry I have read and accept the política de privacitat I want to receive information and communications from Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus By accepting these conditions, you consent to the processing of your personal data for the provision of the services you request through this portal and, where appropriate, to make the necessary arrangements with the administrations or public entities that intervene in the processing, and their subsequent incorporation in the aforementioned automated file. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition by writing to, clearly indicating "Exercise of right LOPD" in the subject line. Responsible: Vall d'Hebron University Hospital - Catalan Health Institute. Purpose: Manage the user's contact. Legitimation: Express acceptance of the privacy policy. Rights: Access, rectification, deletion, and portability of data, limitation, and opposition to its treatment. Origin: The interested party himself. Send