Explore the map of the Campus

Find out where our buildings and spaces are located on the Campus. You can also see the departments, car parks and public transport.

Mapa Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus
General Hospital


General Hospital

Outpatient Clinics

General Hospital

Outpatient Clinics

Children's Hospital

Outpatient Clinics

Children's Hospital


Women's Hospital
Traumatology, Rehabilitation and Burns Hospital
General Emergencies
Children's Emergencies
Women's Emergencies

Maternity and Gynecology

Traumatology, Rehabilitation and Burn Emergencies
Clinical Laboratories
Blood and Tissue Bank
Research Institute (VHIR)

Edifici Central

Autonomous University Teaching Pavilion (UAB)

Multiple Sclerosis Center of Catalonia

Research Institute (VHIR)

Collserola Building

Oncology Institute (VHIO)

Cellex Building

Former School of Nursing
Funeral Services
Mediterranean Building
Clinical Genetics and Minority Diseases
Research Institute (VHIR)

Bioinformatics Building


Attention and Monitoring Center

Module C

Outpatient Clinics

Main entrance
Parking for people with reduced mobility
Public parking
Taxi stop
Coffee shop
Spiritual services
Restricted vehicle traffic

Authorized personnel only

Vehicle traffic allowed

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