Webinar IRISCAT- Dr. Rafael de Cid "GCAT cohort. Anatomia genòmica de la COVID19. Com les dades genòmiques ens ajuden a entendre la COVID19"

  Activitat online —
07/04/2021 -- From 16:00h to 17:00h
Organize :
Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR)
Modality: Presencial
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El brot epidèmic del SARS-CoV-2 ha posat a prova la societat i, en especial, la comunitat científica, en la que s'han dipositat totes les esperances de trobar una solució ràpida al problema. En poc temps hem hagut de mostrar una gran creativitat i capacitat de treball global, i s’ha arribat a grans fites, en molts casos gràcies a que hi havia una bona infraestructura de base. En aquest sentit, el projecte GCAT (Genomes For Life. Cohort Study of the Genomes of Catalonia) (www.genomesforlife.com), de l’Institut de Recerca Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP) n’és un exemple: disposar d’aquesta base ens ha permès reaccionar ràpidament per portar una visió global del problema i participar de projectes globals.

En aquesta xerrada presentarem la nostra aportació en el coneixement de les bases genètiques de la COVID-19, un coneixement que ens ajuda a definir el marc per entendre les bases moleculars de la malaltia, la diferent susceptibilitat en la població i l'evolució severa de la malaltia, alhora que obre les vies per a noves teràpies o pel re-posicionament de teràpies ja existents en targets ja coneguts.



Biologist, trained in human genetics and molecular epidemiology of complex diseases, Rafael de Cid is interested in the analysis of the genomic architecture of complex inherited traits and how it can be translated to prediction models.  

Starting his PhD Project under supervision of Dr. Conxi Lazaro at ICO, in the genetics of psoriasis and asthma, in 2002 he move to CRG, in his first Post-doctoral stage at Dr.Xavier Estivill group, where he develop his research  project in  the analysis and geneXgene and gene-environmental interaction in genetics forms of inflammatory-immune  diseases. As genomic epidemiologist, he quickly realized the imperative for gain a wide and easy access to high-throughput genomic data, and to a accessible toolbox to the scientific community, to allow the required scale for advancing in the genomics of common diseases. In parallel to his research dedication, he was involved in setting up the Barcelona Node of the Spanish National Genotyping Centre (CEGEN), which fuelled the genomic research in Spain. 

In 2007, he moved to Paris, first at Institut de Genomique, then at Genethon, working as associate researcher in the genomic analysis of rare diseases using the newly high-throughput genomic approaches of NGS.  In 2012 he joined IMPPC as Ramon y Cajal researcher, and since 2017 is Senior Group Leader at IGTP, leading the GenomesForLife-GCAT lab group.

GenomesForLife-GCAT lab group is a double oriented lab, which main research goal is the genomic-environmental interplay analysis in common diseases in the general population using a large population-based cohort, but also providing a multidisplinar, transversal and open scientific platform for fuelling the genomic analysis of common diseases in a single large cohort (www.genomesforlife.com).



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