SIMRADAR, the simulation curriculum for residents SIMRADAR is a project that aims to offer a safe learning space for residents, where they can acquire the different technical and non-technical skills on their way to becoming a specialist. It is a program that attends to the particular needs of the different specialities and seeks transversal and multidisciplinary training in the skills to be developed within the Vall d'Hebron Centre for Advanced Clinical Simulation. Programmes for Residents The Vall d’Hebron Centre for Advanced Clinical Simulation offers training programmes for residents. View the programmes The experience of residents in the SIMRADAR Paloma Esclapés, resident of Anesthesiology and Reanimation "Training in a center like Vall d'Hebron, which offers simulation as part of resident training, I think is an opportunity that allows you to train and perfect your skills in various scenarios. In this way, we achieve an increasingly high-quality clinical practice for our patients." Gaizka Loizate, resident of Anesthesiology and Reanimation "Having the opportunity to carry out this type of activity during the residency allows us to put theoretical knowledge into practice in critical situations. Thanks to this, when we face an extreme situation in our daily clinical practice, we are better prepared." Blanca Oliver, Pediatric Surgery Resident "It is a gift to be able to have a space to practice before entering the operating room. I think we are at a point where surgery, especially pediatric surgery, cannot be understood without simulation. Thanks to the LAPSIM program, every hour we practice allows us to improve: it has become a safe environment where we can make mistakes, learn and improve without putting any patient at risk." RESIDENCY AT VALL D'HEBRON Specialise with us! Discover the advantages of choosing Vall d’ Hebron for your residency. Further information