Quality Politics

The Vall Hebron Advanced Clinical Simulation Centre provides transversal services to the entire Vall Hebron University Hospital. All the legal and regulatory provisions of the Center are within the framework of the Teaching Directorate, dependent on the Catalan Institute of Health (ICS).

The Operation and quality policy of the Vall d'Hebron Advanced Clinical Simulation Centre is one of the pillars of the Teaching Directorate of the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital and includes the organization, distribution of responsibilities and the system of work. 

The Centre is committed to satisfying the applicable requirements and to the continuous improvement of the Quality Management system.

Purposes of the Quality Policy

Promotion of training

Through simulation in health environments as a teaching methodology, with impact on patients and professionals.

Simulation as a teaching tool

Develop, coordinate and promote health education programs that apply simulation as a teaching tool.

International agreements

Find and maintain contacts at the national and international level with other hospitals, universities and entities with topics related to health simulation.

State spokesperson

To be a spokesperson in the state bodies for all issues related to simulation in health at the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital.

Mission, vision and values ​​of the Centre

The Quality Policy is aligned with the Centre's mission, vision and values.


Apply simulation in teaching, research and innovation activities with a direct impact on improving the quality of care and the safety of patients and professionals.


To be a reference Hospital in the application of simulation in training programs, as a model of training effectiveness and with a direct impact on patients.

ISO 9001

Certificate of Quality

The Simulation Centre has obtained ISO 9001 certification, a guarantee of quality in the management and delivery of training activities. The Centre offers quality training that meets the most demanding international standards.

Check the certificate

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Additional information: Additional information can be found at https://hospital.vallhebron.com/es/politica-de-proteccion-de-datos.