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European University Hospitals Alliance (EUHA)

Vall d’Hebron is promoting the European University Hospital Alliance (EUHA) in collaboration with the most important hospitals in Europe, seeking to share innovative experiences and management models.

Project description

Vall d’Hebron is hosting the European University Hospital Alliance (EUHA), made up of Europe's largest university hospitals working collaboratively to improve present and future patient outcomes.

The European University Hospital Alliance was founded in 2017, with a view to sharing experience in the areas of health, research and education. Each of the members is a leading university hospital in its country, with a capacity of more than 1,000 beds. They are national reference centres and, together, supply 100% of the existing European Reference Networks (ERNs). Moreover, all members of the Alliance have centres of excellence in research and are affiliated to a university.

The overall objective of its members is to play an active role in shaping the future of healthcare in the European Union, sharing the best practices in order to benefit patients and maximising efforts to promote high quality research.

The objectives of the European University Hospital Alliance are:

  • To improve patient outcomes.
  • To improve the opportunities and experiences of members of the Alliance in all areas.
  • To strengthen relationships with key stakeholders, such as political leaders, the European Commission, pharmaceutical and medical technology companies and funding agencies.

The new members of the European University Hospital Alliance are:

  • Allgemeines Krankenhaus der Stadt Wien - Vienna, Austria
  • Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris - Paris, France
  • Charité - Berlin, Germany
  • Erasmus Universität Medisch Centrum - Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron - Barcelona, ​​Spain
  • Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset - Stockholm, Sweden
  • King's Health Partners - London, United Kingdom
  • Ospedale San Raffaele - Milan, Italy
  • UZ Leuven - Leuven, Belgium

Among all healthcare actors, university hospitals play an important role and are one of the main drivers and catalysts of innovation.

The Alliance sets out to improve communication between university hospitals; share good practices in the areas of patient care, innovation and other fields; and discuss issues in order to strengthen European healthcare systems. The Alliance also seeks to extend opportunities so that researchers, clinical professionals and other employees have the chance to acquire experience in other European university hospitals and develop professional networks.

Visit the Alliance website for more information:

The European University Hospital Alliance has a view to sharing experience in the areas of health, research and education.

Catalan Network of Oncology

The Catalan Network of Oncology is the product of a strategic agreement between two public enterprises: the Catalan Health Institute (ICS) and the Catalan Oncology Institute (ICO). It coordinates cancer patient care around Catalonia and brings together specialised professionals in a joint care model that also aims to stimulate research. Its main objectives are: to guarantee integrated clinical care for oncological patients and to improve the ability to meet the challenges of precision medicine in cancer treatment.

Project description

The Catalan Network of Oncology treats 60% of cancer patients in Catalonia. It is made up of the Catalan Health Institute (ICS) and the Catalan Oncology Institute (ICO). On the one hand, the ICS runs two large hospitals offering cancer care: Vall d’Hebron University Hospital and Arnau Vilanova University Hospital. The ICO, meanwhile, can be found in Hospitalet, with centres in Girona, Badalona, Camp de Tarragona and Terres de l’Ebre.

The Network was born from the desire to become a world benchmark against cancer. A benchmark for innovation, research and care in Europe and the world. The Catalonia Health Plan 2016-2020 defines cancer as one of the region’s health priorities. It establishes strategic alliances and resource concentration to strengthen networks between leading tertiary centres and hospitals in the territory.

The Catalan Network of Oncology care model works on the following lines:

  • Frequent tertiary tumour programme: encompasses all care activity related to patients already diagnosed and the conventional therapeutic process.
  • Rare tumour programme: therapeutic plan applied to patients with rare tumours
  • Clinical research programme: includes all treatment within a clinical trial
  • Palliative care: care aimed at improving the quality of life of people with cancer
  • Associated Oncology Pharmacy Unit: improvement in the management capacity of the pharmacy, both in purchasing policies and in the management of service provision
  • Hospital tumour register and information systems: integration of information from different centres with the aim of facilitating a shared information unit

This model is reflected in that of other world leaders in cancer treatment. It uses precision medicine, which allows for personalised treatment to be provided; and knowledge management, which facilitates data recording, the assessment of results and the transfer of information between professionals. 

The Oncological Network of Catalonia covers 60% of cancer patients in Catalonia.

Smart Campus

For the Campus, “smart” means planning improvements in our physical surroundings, making them more pleasant and accessible, at the same time as promoting technological renovation. It also means enabling people’s experience, whether through new technologies in relation to patients, such as mobile apps, or working towards intelligent management of professional processes. 

The environment and experience we offer people who pass through Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus are key, and for this reason it is important they are at the same level of excellence as the healthcare and research. The goal is to build a Smart Campus to improve the quality of the patient and staff experience by using urban and sustainable resources, and technology to improve service experience and meet people’s needs.

Project description

The Campus promotes the improvement of the experience and services for citizens and professionals, with measures that allow the most urgent shortcomings in our environment to be addressed, in line with sustainability criteria. In this sense, Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus is developing projects to become a more accessible and smart campus.

We are working to bring the Campus in line with the national and international benchmark we represent. Our environment must work alongside us, projecting towards the new needs for the future and preparing us for the new challenges of public health over the next 20 years.

The surroundings

The surroundings affect our level of service and patient experience. That is why the new Smart Campus model we are working on will guarantee its environmental sustainability and accessibility to the public. Changing the architecture throughout the Campus, establishing an architecture of unique buildings that symbolise the medicine of the future, opening up the hospital to the neighbourhood.

We are building a people-friendly Campus, providing green spaces and taking advantage of natural resources. Restricting traffic flow and rearranging the flow of authorised vehicles, as well as a better flow of goods.

All this is being planned in the context of the new VHIR building, which includes rearranging and reassessing the Campus buildings, evaluating them and applying sustainability measures aimed at efficiency and energy savings, constant maintenance and reduction of management costs.


Vall d’Hebron is actively incorporating mobile technology into its relations with patients and staff, as a tool to improve medical care, research, teaching, patient relations and, ultimately, contribute to improving the public health system.

The flagship app of the Vall d’Hebron Campus is a project that serves to put the healthcare system at patients’ fingertips. It facilitates access to and being on campus, with useful information about logistical aspects such as timetables, maps and contact details; it shares news, activities and other information of interest about the Campus, and incorporates a private patient area.

This private area, which will be called “My Vall d’Hebron”, will allow the patient to track their history of appointments, operations, tests, etc., and invite other people to share this information. The top functionality that “My Vall d’Hebron” incorporates is the ability to track operations.

To improve professionals’ communication and knowledge, the Campus has also developed the We Are Vall d’Hebron application, and is partnering in the development of other applications to facilitate the relationship and experience of patients and citizens.

Smart process management

“Smart” also means using technologies and new methods to accelerate and optimise processes. From connecting facilities, which allows smarter management, to organising work processes (relationships between staff, leadership, group working in the cloud, use of Big Data and global management systems).

We work to ensure that the Campus is up to the national and international care record we are.

Project partners

Innovation at the Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus

In the last few years we have drastically changed the way we understand and relate to medicine. We at Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus know that innovation is the key to improving the services and care that we provide. Which is why we are boosting the innovation of our services through the Innovation Committee and the I Innovate innovation workshop. This workshop sets out to improve the day-to-day lives of professionals and patients alike.

Project description

Technological innovation has established itself in the health sector, facilitating the work of professionals and making patient care faster and more efficient. The Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus is at the forefront and works to incorporate these innovations and at the same time, given its care and research potential, is in a privileged position to be able to detect needs and work to provide solutions. A specific body was created for this reason, to be in charge of the organisation, promotion and review of all issues related to healthcare innovation. Not just in the field of technology, but also in everything related to change and improvement in our field, whether that be processes, procedures, tools or other initiatives.

The Innovation Committee is responsible for detecting opportunities for innovation in relation to the knowledge and skills of healthcare staff, and in relation to particularly relevant needs that are not covered. At the same time, it has the function of assisting and advising the different stages of the innovation or knowledge transfer process, so that these ideas may bring value to the healthcare system and to society.

We also work to promote projects that exhibit a clear commitment to innovation in all areas. It is in this environment, full of constant changes and challenges, that we aim to examine our own talent to find ideas for improving the everyday issues of our professionals and patients. Hence our creation of a space at the annual I Innovate workshop to gather together all the innovative projects that the Campus’ professionals have to help them with the transformation towards a more innovative campus: from creating mobile apps to highly complex business ideas and even healthcare improvements to enhance the work environment.

It is through our annual I Innovate workshop that we aim to get our professionals to present their innovative ideas and all our workers to choose a winning idea. The whole workforce, whatever the professional sector, can take part in this, and it is the professionals themselves from the Campus who will choose from all the projects proposed and vote for the best one from the three finalists. In addition, the three finalist proposals will be funded and implemented on the Campus.

The innovation projects are divided up into the following categories:

  • Economic and energy sustainability
  • Patient satisfaction
  • Safety of patients and professionals
  • Professional satisfaction
  • Covid-19

The first I Innovate workshop was held in 2018. You can find all the information about the workshops at


We support the promotion of projects that clearly support innovation in all areas.

Project partners

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