Paediatric Oncological Surgery Unit

Paediatric oncological surgery is the branch of paediatric surgery that is dedicated to the surgical treatment of paediatric oncological and haematological diseases and their complications. It is one of the basic pillars for the treatment of solid paediatric tumours.

These are illnesses that, due to their severity, complexity, and rareness, must be centralised in hospitals that are equipped with experienced multidisciplinary teams and the technology and medical experience necessary. The evolution of this unit has often gone hand-in-hand with the surgical advances achieved in solid organ transplants, which has allowed it to develop advanced techniques that now make enormously difficult cases operable. In addition, it frequently requires collaboration from other highly complex paediatric specialities (heart surgery, neurosurgery, spinal surgery, plastic surgery, etc.).

Vall d’Hebron is the hospital that offers the most oncology services in Catalonia, and it is a member of the European Reference Networks (ERNs) for Paediatric Oncology “PaedCan” and Rare Haematological Diseases “EuroBloodNet”. It is also accredited by JACIE for paediatric haematopoietic stem cell transplants.

The Paediatric Oncological Surgery Unit service has the accreditation
Authorship: Vall d'Hebron
Creation date: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Modification date: 30.06.2020, 12:27
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Paediatric Oncology and Haematology

The Paediatric Oncology and Haematology Department is a leader in treating cancer in childhood and adolescence. Of every 1,000 new cases of childhood cancer detected every year in Spain, 200 are diagnosed in Catalonia.

The Paediatric Oncology and Haematology service has the accreditation
Authorship: Vall d'Hebron
Creation date: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Modification date: 10.11.2020, 09:04
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Pediatrics and specific areas

The Paediatrics Teaching Unit has extensive experience in training specialists. There are a total of 60 Paediatrics residents at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, 15 per year. Over the last few years, Paediatrics at Vall d’Hebron has been the first choice for new residents, and in the 2017 exam session achieved the best results of any Spanish hospital. In addition to this, we receive residents from hospitals all over the world. 

Accredited places


Research groups

Pediatric training itineraries

Contact with the teaching unit

Over the last few years, paediatrics at Vall d’Hebron has been residents’ first choice, and in the 2017 exam session achieved the best results of any Spanish hospital. 

The Department has a Paediatrics Teaching Subcommittee, comprising twelve tutors and twenty residents overseeing the practical application of the training and its integration into healthcare activities. Thanks to the involvement of these professionals, we can ensure supervised completion of the training programme objectives.

This Teaching Unit comprises different healthcare departments and units, including the Paediatrics, Nephrology, Neonatology, Paediatric Oncology and Haematology, Intensive Care, Neurology, Endocrinology, Infectious Diseases, Allergies, Cardiology, Respiratory Medicine, Gastroenterology, and A&E Departments. 

It is vital for residents to train in research methodology as this is necessary to take part in and develop research projects. From the second year onwards, we invite residents to carry out research work, and a minimum number of papers and publications is required in addition to their full cooperation in sessions within the Department.

Why specialise at Vall d’Hebron?

  • Because you will work in a hospital that is a direct point of reference for the other hospitals in Catalonia and other autonomous communities.
  • Because we have a perinatal unit with advanced technology to treat any pathology.
  • Because we treat paediatric patients who require the most advanced medical-surgical technology due to the complexity of their illnesses.
  • Because we are equipped to carry out different kinds of surgery, such as cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, kidney transplants; and because our facilities enable us to perform ECMO, extracorporeal cardiac surgery and a whole other range of interventions.
  • Because a tutor will provide ongoing supervision during your four years of training.


Radiation Oncology

The Radiotherapy Oncology Service treats many patients and handles cases of complex pathology every day. It stands out for its assistance work in different areas, such as pediatric oncology, stereotactic techniques such as SBRT and radiosurgery, in addition to pathology benign (ablation of cardiac arrhythmias, trigeminal neuralgia, keloids, arteriovenous malformations). We are part of more than 10 multidisciplinary tumor committees that take place at our center and participate in our own research projects as well as national and international ones. During the residency, the professional and human development of the resident is encouraged, facilitating participation in different research projects and attendance at different types of training courses, in addition to rotation at the international external center. We have a great track record in the continuing education of residents, and many of those who have passed through our unit hold positions of responsibility in international hospitals. We get residents and professionals from all over the state who do rotations in our specific units to learn the techniques we have in place.

Accredited places


Research groups

Radiotherapy Oncology training itinerary

Contact with the teaching unit

The Radiation Oncology Teaching Unit is provided by the Radiation Oncology Department, with the involvement of Haematology, Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology, Radiology, Radiophysics, A&E, and Palliative Care. In Radiation Oncology we attend to patients at the hospital and in the Vall d’Hebron healthcare area of influence, but we are also active in other parts of the country as we are a leading centre for several complex diseases.

We offer a training programme in radiation oncology that includes learning in research. This means taking part in multidisciplinary committees that analyse different pathologies and generate hypotheses for future research projects. Residents integrate into a line of research when they join the programme, assisted by a consultant. 

We are part of the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) and the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO). We  actively participate in different national and international research groups, such as the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP), and the Radiation Oncology Clinical Research Group (GICOR).

Why specialise at Vall d’Hebron?

  • Because the training we offer is some of the best, thanks to the exceptional environment in which it takes place. During your training, you will have the chance to carry out rotations in leading hospital departments, such as Medical Oncology, a department at the forefront of translational research and clinical trails, Internal Medicine and Radiodiagnosis.
  • Because during your training you will be able to take part in highly complex treatments, such as radiosurgery, intensity-modulated radiation therapy, extracranial radiosurgery, image-guided treatments, total body irridation, and treatments combined with latest generation drugs that would be hard to find in other centres in Catalonia.
  • Because the department has some of the highest admissions figures in Spain, enabling you to acquire experience in different areas of knowledge.
  • Because we have the most advanced technology to be able to provide highly complex treatments. As a centre, we carry out the greatest number of intensity-modulated radiation therapy treatments for genitourinary disease, head and neck tumours and breast neoplasms in Catalonia. We have regularly incorporated advanced technology, such as extracranial radiosurgery for lung cancer, and tightly-focused treatments that can be delivered much faster, such as RapidArc technology.
  • Because we have pioneered the establishment of internal control commissions and the development of protocols for controlled image-guided treatments; proof of our vocation to care quality and safety.
  • Because we are a young and dynamic group and a member of several national and international scientific associations, whilst also actively participating in research and teaching activities.
  • Because, in parallel, you can acquire basic oncological knowledge from the Radiation Oncology International Master's programme, a distance learning course accredited by Francisco de Vitòria University.
  • Because in the final year of your residency you have the option to choose an external rotation in a hospital abroad to deepen your knowledge. This is a chance to learn how a large European or North American oncology centre works in a specific oncological context.
  • Extensive technological endowment, with 4 linear accelerators that provide state-of-the-art treatments to a large number of patients, with routine performance of complex stereotactic techniques such as SBRT and SRS (radiosurgery), in addition to new procedures such as radioablation of cardiac arrhythmias and TBI (total irradiation) with modulated intensity technique.
  • Because we value teamwork and having a good working environment, fostering a good relationship between all members of the service to enhance both the professional and human development of the resident.
  • Attendance at accredited national and international training courses in the field of radiotherapy (radiobiology, imaging, pediatric oncology…) is encouraged and facilitated throughout all years of residency, as well as conferences and other training activities.

Paediatric Nursing

The Paediatric nursing specialist training programme uses a cross-cutting approach to competencies related to communication, care and resource management, teaching and research, and a targeted approach to advanced surgery competencies in the different areas of paediatric practice.

Accredited places


Research groups

Training itinerary Pediatric nursing

Contact with the teaching unit

Paediatric nursing specialists provide independent nursing care to babies, children and adolescents at all levels, as well as dealing with disease prevention and rehabilitation. They work as part of a multidisciplinary team and in collaboration with specialist nursing staff from other areas.

Why Vall d’Hebron?

  • Because we are a reference hospital, both in Catalonia and at the national and international levels, with 200 highly specialised paediatric beds and a large team of paediatric nurses who will accompany you throughout your training programme.
  • Because we have the capacity to provide specialised care for paediatric patients requiring all kinds of complex surgical interventions (cardiac, neurosurgery, solid organ transplantation, foetal interventions, etc.).
  • Because you will be able to do rotations in specialised paediatric units such as EMS, Palliative Care, Primary Care, Burns Unit, Dialysis, Oncohaematology, Haematopoietic Progenitor Transplantation, Complex Chronic Patient Care Units of multiple specialities, etc.
  • Because we have a large Neonatal Unit accredited in the NIDCAP model of care as well as a highly specialised Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, and because we are a centre accredited for our commitment to excellence in healthcare.
  • Because you will be able to develop your skills in an immersion course at the start of your residency and in various specific paediatric care courses throughout the programme.
  • Because you will have access to tutors with a high degree of training and involvement who will accompany you throughout your learning process and ensure that you receive the best possible training and have the opportunity to research and participate in innovative projects.

Molecular oncology

Oncology data science

Early clinical development of drugs

Stem cells and cancer

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