Dr. Yoelsis García Mayea

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Yoelsis García Mayea, Ph.D., is graduated in Biology by the University of Havana (Cuba) in 2010. He afterwards worked 2 years as a researcher in the area of bee genetics at the Institute of Beekeeping Research in Havana, where he collaborated closely with the Center of Molecular Immunology and the Center for Fisheries Research in Havana, publishing his first article related to the potential use of bee products against atherosclerosis. In 2015 Yoelsis was awarded a predoctoral fellowship from the Vall d'Hebron Hospital Research Institute (VHIR) (Barcelona), where he carried out the necessary research to successfully defend his PhD Thesis in Genetics (University of Barcelona) in 2020. During his predoctoral period he published 10 scientific articles in medium-high impact indexed biomedical journals and has participated in 4 national/international competitive projects. His research has been mainly focused on biomedical oncology research, more specifically on the study of cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for the acquisition of resistance to chemotherapeutic treatments. As a postdoctoral researcher Yoelsis has continued his research career at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute, and more recently he has been awarded with a "Margarita Salas" grant from the University of Barcelona, which will allow him to spend 2 years as a postdoctoral researcher at VHIR and at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He currently has a total of 18 published scientific articles, collaborates as a reviewer in several journals (Autophagy, Cancers, Journal of Translational Medicine, Molecules, Medicina-Lithuania, Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark, Translational Cancer Research), has directed 2 master's theses, and is co-director of a PhD Thesis. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE IN LABORATORY WORK: Handling of experimental animals (mice). Molecular biology and molecular genetics: Western Blot; ELISA; qRT-PCR; Cloning; siRNA transfections/shRNA infections. Cell culture: Isolation and characterization of Cancer Stem Cells and establishment of primary cell cultures. Flow cytometry: cell cycle analysis; surface and intracellular markers. Confocal microscopy: analysis of intracellular markers and image processing. Electron microscopy: sample preparation, manipulation, and image acquisition. Biostatistical analysis. Design and writing of research projects.


ORCID: 0000-0002-9395-7471
Yoelsis García Mayea


Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Postdoctoral researcher

Head and Neck Cancer: Biomedical Research Cancer Stem cells

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