Sra. Montserrat Molano i Flores

Institutions of which it is part

I have been a management staff member at VHIR for twenty years and, during this time, I have carried out my professional duties supporting the research staff from the Coordinació de Laboratoris service. I have also participated in the management of units where research and teaching are linked to the use of laboratory animals: Laboratory Animal Service, Experimental Surgery Unit and Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee, where I also participate as a non-scientific member.


Currently, I am an active member as President of the VHIR Company Committee in the legal representation of the working staff. Likewise, I collaborate dynamically in the Training Commission, promoting professional development in the field of research and the transfer of results. In addition, I participate in the Equality Commission and actively cooperate in the implementation and evaluation of actions and policies aimed at achieving equal opportunities, since I am an equality agent.
Montserrat Molano i Flores


Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca


Ethics Committees Support Unit (USCE)

External Strategy Directorate

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