Dra. Montserrat Cubo Abert

Institutions of which it is part

Children's Hospital and Woman's Hospital



Doctor of Medicine degree from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics. I’m a specialist in benign gynecological pathology, an expert in endoscopic surgery and gynecological ultrasound. Throughout my career I have combined my care work with research and outreach activity, with enthusiasm and dedication.


I obtained a degree in Medicine and Surgery in Vall d'Hebron Hospital in Barcelona, linked to the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology via MIR, between 2004 and 2008 at Sant Joan de Reus Hospital (Tarragona). I have been an assistant in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Service of the Vall d'Hebron Maternal-Child University Hospital since 2009, in the Benign Gynecological Pathology and Gynecological Endoscopy Unit, an expert in robotic and laparoscopic surgery, hysteroscopy and gynecological ultrasound.
In 2021 I obtained my PhD for my doctoral thesis entitled "Pre-surgical staging of endometrial carcinoma using gynecological ultrasound" under the doctoral program of medicine at the Autonomous University of Barcelona with an Excellent rating and and Cum Laude Mention. I graduated in the "Master in Gynecological Endoscopy" at the Vall d'Hebrón Hospital (Autonomous University of Barcelona) in 2009 with an Excellent rating, in the "Expert Master in Management Function of Gynecological and Obstetric Centers" by the University Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid) in 2021 and in the "Master's Degree in Health Management and Gynecology and Obstetrics" from the Francisco de Vitoria University (Madrid) in 2022. All these years I have been able to combine training activities with invitations as a speaker at national and international congresses, as well as a professor in the "Master of Gynecological Endoscopy" at Hospital de la Vall d'Hebron since 2013. I have also participated in research projects and I have published multiple scientific articles related to my area of interest.
I am a member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Catalonia, a member of the GHISCAT board of the Catalan Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics and a member of the Endoscopy and Gynecological Ultrasound sections of the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics since 2015.
Montserrat Cubo Abert


Children's Hospital and Woman's Hospital



Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Biomedical Research in Gynaecology

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