Dra. Gara Arteaga Henríquez

Institutions of which it is part

General Hospital


I am a specialist in Psychiatry and Doctor of Medicine (magna cum laude; Ludwig-Maximilian's University Munich, Germany). Additionally, I completed a post-doctoral stay at the National Center for Register-based Research at Aarhus University (Denmark). Since the beginning of my professional career, my interest has focused on the field of Immunopsychiatry and the search for diagnostic and therapeutic biological markers that allow us to improve the prognosis of various mental conditions/diseases, and also, contribute to reduce stigma. I have carried out numerous clinical and research stays at different reference centers in the field abroad, and I was selected by the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology to participate in its mentoring program which was aimed at expanding my knowledge in the field. I have more than 10 years of experience in conducting clinical trials with anti-inflammatory/immunomodulatory agents as well as with nutraceuticals, in the design and execution of different types of studies (clinical, register-based, cost-economic). Being a member of the CB15/00154 CIBERSAM group, I'm also collaborating with different national and international projects in the field. Currently, I'm leading, both at a clinical and research level, the Immunopsychiatry line at the Hospital.


Publications: https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/Gara-Arteaga-Henriquez-2163021086
Gara Arteaga Henríquez


General Hospital


Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Predoctoral researcher

Psychiatry, Mental Health and Addictions

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