Dra. Esperanza Zuriguel Pérez

Institutions of which it is part

General Hospital

Nursing Management

A l’Hospital, cada dia les infermeres realitzen centenars d’intervencions cuidadores que eviten complicacions i discapacitats. Des de l’any 2007 estic donant suport als professionals infermers i als tècnics en cures en la millora de la seva vigilància i protecció de la seguretat de les persones ateses, orientant les cures a la prevenció, detecció i intervenció precoç de problemes físics i emocionals. Aquest suport consisteix a reforçar i ampliar coneixements, i vetllar per uns registres que garanteixin tot el que estan fent les infermeres i tècnics auxiliars en la cura dels pacients. Aquesta és la meva contribució per tal de mantenir l’excel•lència de la pràctica clínica en les cures.


Soc nurse with doctorate in nursing sciences from the University of Barcelona (UB) and university master's degree in leadership and management of nursing services (UB). Vaig will work with the care nurse in hospital units at the Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge and with the surgical nurse at the Vall d'Hebron Hospital. In 2007, I was going to join the Knowledge and Assessment Management Unit as a support nurse, and as a proactive member of the work group (ARES) for the informatization project of nursing care at the hospitals of the Institut Català Of the health. I am also a teacher in various continuing and postgraduate training courses at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​​​and I lead the VHIR multidisciplinary nursing research group. She has published well-known articles and co-authored several books in JCR magazines and book chapters, refuted funding for various competitive projects and collaborates in JCR magazines as a peer reviewer. Participated in many conferences and conferences and directing aesthetic update various doctoral theses.
Esperanza Zuriguel Pérez


General Hospital

Nursing Management

Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Head of group

Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group

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