Escenaris SIMOONS
Transforming the training of healthcare professionals

SIMOONS, clinical simulation in a virtual environment

SIMOONS (Serious game for online training with health simulation) is a platform that allows remote training of multidisciplinary teams for patient care in various clinical scenarios.

At the Vall d’Hebron Advanced Clinical Simulation Centre, we innovate skill training for healthcare professionals through educational experiences that allow interaction in a virtual clinical setting. SIMOONS is co-developed with PsicoVR.

Accessibility Without Borders

To use SIMOONS, all you need is an internet connection. Participants, instructors, and observers can train from anywhere in the world.

Unlimited Clinical Cases

You can simulate most of the clinical cases we encounter today. Within the SIMOONS environment, the instructor guides the scenario and can adjust it based on the decision-making of the healthcare team.

Team and Multidisciplinary Training

Simulate scenarios with a single participant or with a team of different profiles. The SIMOONS environment allows participants to communicate with each other to care for the patient effectively and safely. It also offers a private channel for facilitators!

Efficient and Sustainable Simulation

Supplement your training with high-complexity scenarios without needing infrastructure at your Centre. Additionally, you save on the travel involved with in-person simulation.


The different SIMOONS modules allow training in different common clinical practice situations.

Mòdul SIMOONS Urgències COVID-19

COVID-19 Emergencies

Patient suspected of SARS-CoV-2 or other highly communicable biological agents in Emergency Room.

Mòdul SIMOONS Urgències

Emergency Care

Module set in an emergency cubicle. 

Mòdul SIMOONS Unitat de Cures Intensives

Intensive Care

Module set in a general ICU.

Mòdul SIMOONS Urgències Pediàtriques

Paediatric Emergency Care

Includes two settings: one scenario in Paediatric Emergency Care and another in a Paediatric Intensive Care Unit.

Mòdul SIMOONS Nefrologia-Diàlisi


Set in a renal replacement therapy unit.

Mòdul SIMOONS Seguretat del Pacient

Patient Safety

Self-administered module.

Mòdul SIMOONS Cures Agudes Cardiològiques

Cardiac Intensive Care

Set in an acute coronary care unit, with the option of transfer to a haemodynamics room. 

Mòdul SIMOONS Neonatologia


Designed to care for a newborn, recreating two possible settings: a delivery room and neonatal intensive care unit, with the possibility of transferring between the two departments.


Would you like to take part in a training session?

In order to participate in a training session, access keys are necessary. 

You can also personalise your user licence according to the time you need and the number of users participating in the sessions. Contact us, and we will help you!



In the training programme for simulation in non-technical skills training for residents and nurses at Vall d’Hebron, SIMOONS is used as a learning environment. Participants also receive specific training on the use of SIMOONS.

Further information


The course for Vall d’ Hebron professionals, focusing on multidisciplinary care and team-based responses to cardiorespiratory arrest, uses SIMOONS to train non-technical skills during CPR in a paediatric intensive care unit.


1st SHUA Olympics

Within the SHUa 1st Olympics programme, a competition is held between teams formed by professionals from different hospitals (4-5 specialists) to carry out a simulation case of SHUa in Emergency and Intensive Care Unit settings. Each group is scored using validated scales in technical and non-technical skills.


Virtual Simulation in Non-Technical Skills in Cardiology

The course consists of four sessions of two and a half hours each, in which the eight participants train in effective communication using SBAR, teamwork and leadership in caring for patients with cardiac diseases.



SIMOONS is introduced as a new immersive educational experience in the 1st virtual CARDIOACTION simulation competition within the 33rd Congress of the Catalan Society of Cardiology.


Simulation in Vascular Surgery V360

SIMOONS is used to conduct the first simulation remote session in the course organised by the Department of Angiology, Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital. The simulated patient has consistency in the face-to-face simulation scenarios.

Learn more

Equip de professionals SIMOONS


Contact us if you would like to start a SIMOONS session.

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