We are a leading healthcare campus encompassing all fields of health: from healthcare and research to teaching and management.
Professionalism, commitment and research by professionals on the Campus are the key elements in offering patients excellent care.
We are committed to research as a tool to provide solutions to the daily challenges we face in the field of medical healthcare.
Thanks to our healthcare, teaching and research potential, we work to incorporate new knowledge to generate value for patients, professionals and the organization itself.
We generate, transform and transmit knowledge in all areas of the health sciences, helping to train the professionals of the future.
We are defined by our vocation for communication. We invite you to share everything that happens at Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus, and our doors are always open.
Hospital donations
Research donations
Programa dirigit a residents de primer i segon any de pneumologia que entrena en l’ús de la ventilació mecànica no invasiva (VMNI), una tècnica terapèutica per la insuficiència respiratòria.
En els últims anys està augmentant l’ús en l’àmbit hospitalari de la ventilació mecànica no invasiva. Això fa que sigui necessària la formació sobre la seva aplicació entre els metges residents de l’especialitat de pneumologia.
El programa de formació consta d’un primer bloc teòric que es duu a terme en línia i a continuació els alumnes participen en diferents tallers i escenaris.
Té una durada de sis mesos i es fa un taller de simulació un cop al mes.
El programa té com a objectius conèixer els fonaments de la ventilació mecànica no invasiva, identificar-ne les indicacions i disposar d’eines per aplicar i mantenir la tècnica.
By accepting these conditions, you are agreeing to the processing of your personal data for the provision of the services requested through this portal, and, if necessary, for any procedures required by the administrations or public bodies involved in this processing, and their subsequent inclusion in the aforementioned automated file. You may exercise your rights to access, rectification, cancellation or opposition by writing to web@vallhebron.cat, clearly stating the subject as "Exercising of Data Protection Rights". Operated by: Vall d’Hebron University Hospital Foundation – Research Institute. Purpose: Manage the user’s contact information. Legitimisation: Express acceptance of the privacy policy. Rights: To access, rectify, and delete personal information data, as well to the portability thereof and to limit and/or oppose their use. Source: The interested party themselves.