We are a leading healthcare campus encompassing all fields of health: from healthcare and research to teaching and management.
Professionalism, commitment and research by professionals on the Campus are the key elements in offering patients excellent care.
We are committed to research as a tool to provide solutions to the daily challenges we face in the field of medical healthcare.
Thanks to our healthcare, teaching and research potential, we work to incorporate new knowledge to generate value for patients, professionals and the organization itself.
We generate, transform and transmit knowledge in all areas of the health sciences, helping to train the professionals of the future.
We are defined by our vocation for communication. We invite you to share everything that happens at Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus, and our doors are always open.
Hospital donations
Research donations
T’animem que ens diguis el teu desig per als pacients i professionals de Vall d’Hebron! Emetrem els desitjos a les pantalles de les sales d’espera perquè arribin a tothom i molts també es publicaran a les xarxes socials del Campus.
El nostre desig és que tota la gent que t’estimes tingui salut! El nostre desig també és que Vall d’Hebron continuï salvant vides. Per això, més de 9.000 professionals ens dediquem en cos i ànima a tractar pacients de totes les edats i a investigar per continuar trobant cura a malalties que encara no en tenen.
Desitgem millorar l’assistència i la recerca i per això transformem els edificis existents i en construïm de nous. També hem posat en marxa un programa de Participació Ciutadana perquè professionals, pacients i el seu entorn ens ajudin a millorar l’Hospital. I, sobretot, desitgem ser un hospital cada cop més amable, per això promovem projectes per millorar el benestar emocional dels pacients.
I el teu desig, quin és?
A Vall d’Hebron treballem dia a dia perquè tots aquests desitjos i d’altres es puguin anar fent realitat. I el teu desig per als pacients i professionals de Vall d’Hebron, quin és? T’animem que ens el diguis aquí. Durant les festes de Nadal, emetrem els desitjos a les pantalles de les sales d’espera perquè arribin a tothom! A més, molts desitjos també es publicaran a les xarxes socials del Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus.
Et desitgem molt bones festes!
Més de 9.000 professionals ens dediquem en cos i ànima a tractar pacients de totes les edats
The acceptance of these terms implies that you give your consent to the processing of your personal data for the provision of the services you request through this portal and, if applicable, to carry out the necessary procedures with the administrations or public entities involved in the processing. You may exercise the mentioned rights by writing to web@vallhebron.cat, clearly indicating in the subject line “Exercise of LOPD rights”. Responsible entity: Vall d’Hebron University Hospital (Catalan Institute of Health). Purpose: Subscription to the Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus newsletter, where you will receive news, activities, and relevant information. Legal basis: Consent of the data subject. Data sharing: If applicable, with VHIR. No other data transfers are foreseen. No international transfer of personal data is foreseen. Rights: Access, rectification, deletion, and data portability, as well as restriction and objection to its processing. The user may revoke their consent at any time. Source: The data subject. Additional information: Additional information can be found at https://hospital.vallhebron.com/es/politica-de-proteccion-de-datos.