VOLS PORTAR LA NOSTRA BATA? Els residents sou el futur de Vall d'Hebron Escull l'Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron per fer la teva residència sanitària i hi trobaràs tot el que busques. Hi trobaràs atenció sanitària d'alta complexitat en un hospital públic, universitari i comunitari. El 2025 oferim 50 especialitats i 167 places. Consulta les places ofertades Recover the Open Doors Welcome Watch the video of the Open Day welcome event where a group of residents talk about their experience and answer questions. Watch the video Contact the residents and tutors to solve all your doubts Through the different teaching units you can contact the residents and tutors of the specialties that interest you the most to get to know them first hand and ask them anything you need. Visit the teaching units Watch the talk from the PostMIR25 Conference Do you want to know what you will find during your residency at Vall d'Hebron? Don't miss the presentation by Dr. Mónica Rodríguez, Director of Teaching at Vall d'Hebron, at the PostMIR25 Conference. Watch the video TERTIARY HOSPITAL Do you want to deal with complex cases? At Vall d'Hebron University Hospital we treat more than 7,000 patients a day in 122 different specialities. We perform more than 60,000 surgical interventions and nearly 500 transplants. RESIDENTS INVOLVED Do you want to be motivated and accompanied? With 1,100 beds, we are the largest hospital in Catalonia and attend to more than 200,000 emergencies. You will be involved from the first moment you start your residency in Vall d'Hebron and always accompanied by the best professionals to advise and guide you. SIMULATION TRAINING Do you want an innovative training route? We have an Advanced Clinical Simulation Centre that includes all possible work scenarios. Training in simulation means improving the quality of care and patient safety, as well as promoting an innovative teaching methodology. IMMERSION IN RESEARCH Do you want to get involved in research? We have two pioneering research centres: the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR) and the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO). Between the two of us, we are 1,700 research professionals and have more than 1,800 clinical trials underway to offer new therapeutic solutions to our patients. BUILD YOUR FUTURE Are you looking for new opportunities? In Vall d'Hebron we have all the opportunities, and we are clear that you are our future. We are a Campus of national and international reference with 9,500 professionals who work to offer an excellent service to patients and their companions so that they receive the best healthcare. OUR PATIENTS Do you want to treat patients of all ages? We treat patients of all ages and pathologies. From conception to old age. You will have the opportunity to train in a multidisciplinary environment with highly complex cases that will prepare you for any healthcare challenge. WE ARE A TEAM Do you want to feel part of a team? Our professionals are always present in the daily life of the residents. To support you, teach you and accompany you from the very beginning. We are united by the same mission: to offer the best healthcare. And we work as a team to achieve it. LET'S MAKE HEBRON VALLEY WITH YOU Do you want us to build the Hospital of the present and future together? Here you will build your professional future alongside professionals committed to healthcare quality, patient well-being and innovation. Let's do Vall d'Hebron with you so that together we can make a difference in health. VALL D'HEBRON CENTRE FOR ADVANCED CLINICAL SIMULATION Simulation as a fundamental training tool We provide training so that simulation becomes a fundamental teaching methodology for learning with results and impact on health. We are capable of creating simulations adapted to any educational objective, with the help of professionals trained for this purpose, using a multitude of tools such as the latest generation simulators, serious games, or virtual reality. More information Learn about the specialty of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation in Vall d'Hebron Share it Desmentint mites de Pediatria a Vall d'Hebron Handling exceptional situations like the Covid-19 pandemic is difficult, but this experience has also allowed us to learn beyond the usual boundaries At Vall d’Hebron you will come across highly complex cases that require simultaneous collaboration with the different units When you work at Vall d’Hebron you will be prepared for any eventuality. Here you learn EVERYTHING Our residents have already invested in their future Marta Barros Segura - Resident internal doctor (MIR) “Specialising at this hospital allows you to acquire knowledge in the different areas of paediatrics, which makes your training more comprehensive and enriching. I would choose Vall d’Hebron again without a doubt.” Pablo Buck Sainz Rozas- Resident internal nurse (EIR) “Specialize in a center of reference that bets on innovation in cures, using methodologies pioneering teachers such as clinical simulation, allows developing ourselves as professionals who they pursue excellence.” Silvia Ferrer Moltó - Resident internal psychologist (PIR) “The residency at the University Hospital Vall d'Hebron allows us to train as mental health professionals integrating assistance, research and teaching; three essential aspects that together with learning personal values and qualities they give access to quality healthcare training and continuous improvement.” See more statements from residents and tutors The residents in different specialities and the tutors share their experiences and the most important aspects of each teaching unit. Watch the videos FAQS Frequently asked questions How many duty periods are there per month and where do they take place? We abide by current regulations regarding the number of duty periods and time off. You will be integrated in a widely multidisciplinary team where you will be able to consult and learn from everyone. You can find out more about the duty periods from the training programme. Will I be able to collaborate with other departments? There are many interdisciplinary commissions that facilitate the relationship, collaboration and exchange of knowledge among residents. Can I do a doctoral thesis there? Post-residency grants are offered to residents who, during their training, have shown an interest in the field of research by training and taking part in one of the projects. Are there grants for research projects? In Vall d'Hebron, assistance and research go hand in hand. That's why we offer post-residency grants to develop applied clinical research at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute. Are external rotations performed? Yes, there is the possibility of doing rotations abroad. Registra't a les visites presencials de les Portes Obertes! Sign up for the Open House in-person tours for future residents on March 19, 2024. You can sign up for as many visits as you want. Registration for visits closes at 11 a.m. the day before the visit. Which activity will you attend? Visit specialty Visita Centre de Simulació What time will you attend the specialty visit? 11.00 a 12.00h 12.30 to 13.30h A quina hora assistiràs a la visita del Centre de Simulació? - Select -12.30 a 13.30h14.00 a 15.00h Which specialty will you attend (11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.)? - Select -Al·lergologiaAnatomia patològicaAnestesiologia i reanimacióAngiologia i cirurgia vascularAparell digestiuAtenció familiar i comunitàriaBioquímica clínicaCardiologiaCirurgia general i aparell digestiuCirurgia oral i maxil·lofacialCirurgia ortopèdica i traumatologiaCirurgia pediàtricaCirurgia plàstica, estètica i reparadoraCirurgia toràcicaDermatologia MQ i venereologiaEndocrinologia i nutricióFarmàcia hospitalàriaFarmacologia clínicaGeriatriaHematologia i hemoteràpiaImmunologiaInfermeria del treballInfermeria de salut mentalInfermeria obstètrico-ginecològicaInfermeria pediàtricaMedicina del treballMedicina física i rehabilitacióMedicina IntensivaMedicina internaMedicina nuclearMedicina preventiva i salut públicaMicrobiologia i parasitologiaNefrologiaNeurocirurgiaNeurofisiologia clínicaNeurologiaObstetrícia i ginecologiaOftalmologiaOncologia mèdicaOncologia radioteràpicaOtorrinolaringologiaPediatria i àrees específiquesPneumologiaPsicologia clínicaPsiquiatriaRadiodiagnòsticRadiofarmàciaRadiofísica hospitalàriaReumatologiaUrologia Remember that you can only choose one specialty per hour. Which specialty will you attend (12.30 to 1.30pm)? - Select -Al·lergologiaAnatomia patològicaAnestesiologia i reanimacióAngiologia i cirurgia vascularAparell digestiuAtenció familiar i comunitàriaBioquímica clínicaCardiologiaCirurgia general i aparell digestiuCirurgia oral i maxil·lofacialCirurgia ortopèdica i traumatologiaCirurgia pediàtricaCirurgia plàstica, estètica i reparadoraCirurgia toràcicaDermatologia MQ i venereologiaEndocrinologia i nutricióFarmàcia hospitalàriaFarmacologia clínicaGeriatriaHematologia i hemoteràpiaImmunologiaInfermeria del treballInfermeria de salut mentalInfermeria obstètrico-ginecològicaInfermeria pediàtricaMedicina del treballMedicina física i rehabilitacióMedicina IntensivaMedicina internaMedicina nuclearMedicina preventiva i salut públicaMicrobiologia i parasitologiaNefrologiaNeurocirurgiaNeurofisiologia clínicaNeurologiaObstetrícia i ginecologiaOftalmologiaOncologia mèdicaOncologia radioteràpicaOtorrinolaringologiaPediatria i àrees específiquesPneumologiaPsicologia clínicaPsiquiatriaRadiodiagnòsticRadiofarmàciaRadiofísica hospitalàriaReumatologiaUrologia Remember that you can only choose one specialty per hour. First name First surname Second surname Email address Telephone number If you want, you can also leave us any questions / consultations I have read and accept the privacy policy I want to receive information for future residents at Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus Send