Seminarios Vall d'Hebron: Avances en Enfermedades Lisosomales

  Hotel Alimara, C/Berruguete 126 - Barcelona 08035 —
03/05/2019 -- From 09:00h to 18:00h
Organize :
Unidad de Enfermedades Metabólicas HereditariasUnidad de Enfermedades Minoritarias
Modality: Presencial
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9:00-9:15 – Opening

9:15-10.45– New treatments for old diseases
Chair: Dra. Mar O’Callaghan, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Barcelona 

Dra. Mireia del Toro, Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona "Lipofuscinosis: importance of early diagnosis and treatment"

Dr. Jesús Villarrubia, Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid "Niemann-Pick type B: new therapeutic opportunities"

Dr. Antonio González Meneses, Hospital Virgen del Rocío, Sevilla "Update in diagnosis and treatment of the mucopolysaccharidosis"
10.45-11:15 – Coffee break
11:15-12.45 – New diagnostic approaches and research therapeutic strategies 
Chair: Dr. José Antonio Arranz, Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona

Dr. Cristóbal Colón, Hospital Universitario, Santiago de Compostela "Present situation of the newborn screening for lysosomal diseases"

Dra. Ibane Abasolo, CIBBIM-Nanomedicina, Institut Recerca Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona "Therapeutic applications of extracellular vesicles as vehicles for lysosomal enzymes"

Dr. Víctor Álvarez, Hospital Universitario, Santiago de Compostela  "Vehículos no virales: nueva aplicación para MPS IV"                             

Dra. Silvia Muro, University of Maryland (USA), ICREA - Institut de Bioingenieria de Catalunya, Barcelona "New means to enable blood-to-brain access of lysosomal enzyme therapies"
13:00 – 14:00 Buffet/Lunch
14:00-16:30 – Treatment and long-term evolution of Gaucher and Fabry diseases
Chairs: Dr. Xavier Solanich, Hospital Bellvitge, and Dr. VicençTorregrosa, Hospital Clínic

Dr. Derralynn Hughes, Royal Free Hospital, UCL, London (UK) "Bone disease and malignancy in Gaucherdisease"

Dr. Gregory Pastores, University College Dublin , Ireland "Guidelines and therapeutic goals in Gaucherdisease"

Dr. Roser Torra, FundacióPuigvert, Barcelona "Early detection and long-term evolution of Fabrynephropathy" 

Dr. Guillem Pintos, Hospital UniversitariValld’Hebron, Barcelona 2Clinical phenotype and genotype in the management of young Fabrypatients"

Dr. Derralynn Hughes, Royal Free Hospital, UCL ,London (UK)  2How to diagnose and treat female Fabrypatients"


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Més Informació:  Direcció de Comunicació, Màrqueting i RSC - Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus



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