Aplicacions recomanades Des del Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus creiem i promovem la implementació de la tecnologia mòbil a la salut. Aquest recull d’aplicacions, pròpies i recomanades, t’ajudarà en la teva experiència al recinte i sobre altres temes relacionats amb la salut i la recerca. El Meu Vall d'Hebron This is the Vall d'Hebron Hospital Campus application. It offers interesting information about the hospital and has a private area that allows patients to manage their surgical information. Som Vall d'Hebron Application for professionals working on Vall d'Hebron Hospital Campus that brings together the healthcare, research and teaching excellence of the institutions that are part of the hospital. It is an internal communication tool that streamlines and brings together all the activities, news and latest developments. NeoInph VH Neolnph is an app conceived for healthcare workers (neonatal nursing staff) to ensure the safe administration of drugs to the neonatal population. The app is aimed at neonatal nursing staff, but can also be useful for the delivery room, consulting room, paediatricians and anaesthesiologists. Nora An application aimed at patients who have suffered a stroke and who have returned home. This application helps patients receive personalised, continuous supervision in following the medical guidelines while monitoring vascular risk factors. Load more