Dra. Elena Fonseca Hernández

Institutions of which it is part

General Hospital


I am an assistant neurologist in the Neurology Department and I develop my activity within the Epilepsy Unit, caring for adult patients with this disease. Our transversal unit is dedicated to the comprehensive care of patients with epilepsy, from childhood to the most advanced stages of life. I am the coordinator of the Video-EEG Monitoring Unit (EMU) in our department. I was a beneficiary of the Predoctoral Scholarship in Neuroscience from the Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno Foundation in 2019. I am a member of the Young Epileptologists Section of the Spanish Epilepsy Society and of the Young Epileptologists Section of the International League Against epilepsy (ILAE). I am also part of the epilepsy study group of the Catalan and Spanish neurology societies. My current research is focused on refractory epilepsy and cognitive and psychological aspects of epilepsy.


-Degree in Medicine and Surgery. University of Barcelona, 2014.
-Specialist in Neurology. Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, 2019.
-PhD in Medicine. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2021.
-International experience: clinical and research activities in the Epilepsy Unit. RUSH University Medical center, Chicago, IL, USA, 2018.

Scientific activity
-Author of several scientific publications in national and international journals.
-Clinical researcher in research projects and phase II, III and IV clinical trials in patients with refractory epilepsy.
-Presentation of multiple sessions, oral communications and posters at national and international scientific conferences and meetings.

-Teacher of the University Master's in Translational Biomedical Research. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
-Participation as a teacher in multiple courses, workshops and training activities for neurologists and residents in the field of epilepsy.
Elena Fonseca Hernández


General Hospital


Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Main researcher

Research Group on Status Epilepticus and Acute Seizures

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