Dra. Rebeca Zapata Guardiola

Institutions of which it is part

Convinced that we can always do things better, I'm identified with companies with a purpose, those that prioritize sustainability and ESG in their decision-making. I firmly believe that change is possible with effort and commitment. My purpose is to be a Change Maker , eager to create sustainable strategies and transform traditional business cultures.



2022-23 Máster en Responsabilidad Social Corporativa y Liderazgo Sostenible - OBS Business School
2018-19 Master's degreeProject Management - EAE Business School
2017 Profesional Certificate level 3 Graphic Design - Centre d'Innovació i Formació per a l'Ocupació (CIFO)
2014 PhD Biology. Cum Laude - Universidad de Sevilla
2006-07 MSc Sustainable Management of Marine and Coastal Systems - Universitat de Barcelona
2005 BSc Biology - Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife)


2021- actualitat Project Manager a la Unitat de Projectes Competitius Post Nacionalt - Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR)
2020 Project Manager a Secretaria Técnica - Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR)
2013-2018 Project Manager for the Education and Outreach projects - Institut de Ciències del Mar de Barcelona (ICM)
sept 2012-sept 2013 Secretary of the XIth SCAR Biology Symposium - Institut de Ciències del Mar de Barcelona (ICM)
2007-2013-2015 Coordinación de equipos en varias campañas oceanogràficas de investigación a nivel internacional - Institut de Ciències del Mar de Barcelona (ICM)
2009-2011-2012 Investigadora visitant en centres de recerca nacionals i internacionals - Smithsonian Institution, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Harvey Mudd College, Natural History Museum (London).
sept 2009-agost 2011 Personal docent i de Recerca - Universidad de Sevilla
Rebeca Zapata Guardiola

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