Be a company that makes a difference!

Do you want to be a company or an entity committed to the challenges faced by society? Spread the values and social personality of your brand through your commitment and connection with a project that directly impacts on the welfare of people who suffer from an illness. Your company can help make Vall d'Hebron a more patient-friendly hospital and support research projects.

Collaborating with Vall d'Hebron as an entity, marks a before and after moment in the life of many people who need you.

Ways of collaborating

Donació econòmica

Financial donation

Promote scientific research or contribute to the improvement of the emotional well-being of our patients by making a one-off financial donation.

Make your donation
empresa que suma

Business allies

Join Vall d'Hebron's list of collaborating companies and show your long-term commitment to health and research.

Find out more!
Implica al teu equip

Involve your team

Strengthen the solidarity of your staff by getting them involved in the organization of a charity initiative, awareness-raising action or rounding-up their salary.

Consult us
Arrodoniment nòmina

Round up payroll

Do you want to involve the workers of your company in a simple and supportive way? Together, with a small gesture, you can be supportive by collaborating with the rounding of payroll. Ask us how you can make it possible

Ask us
Ulleres de realitat augmentada

Make a charitable product

Show the values and commitment of your company by associating the profits from one of your products with improving the quality of life of our patients.

Get involved
Nen amb un peluix

Donation in kind

Toys, books, technology... your donation in kind helps us improve the well-being of our patients and our facilities.



Charitable companies have benefits!

As a charitable organization with Vall d'Hebron, your collaboration has important fiscal advantages depending on the type of contribution made, as established by Law 49/2002, dated December 23. 

The following tax benefits apply to donations made from 1.1.2024:

  • One-off financial donation. The company can deduct 40% of the amount given from their corporate tax, in general.
  • Recurring financial donation. If during the last two years the company has made a donation to an entity, the organization can deduct 50% of the contribution made. 
  • Collaboration agreement. When the company signs an agreement with Vall d'Hebron that includes a financial sum, this amount is considered an expense deductible from corporate tax.
Learn all the benefits
Contact form

Are you an individual or a company?

By accepting these conditions, you are agreeing to the processing of your personal data for the provision of the services requested through this portal, and, if necessary, for any procedures required by the administrations or public bodies involved in this processing, and their subsequent inclusion in the aforementioned automated file. You may exercise your rights to access, rectification, cancellation or opposition by writing to, clearly stating the subject as "Exercising of Data Protection Rights".
Operated by: Vall d’Hebron University Hospital Foundation – Research Institute.
Purpose: Manage the user’s contact information.
Legitimisation: Express acceptance of the privacy policy.
Rights: To access, rectify, and delete personal information data, as well to the portability thereof and to limit and/or oppose their use.
Source: The interested party themselves.

Subscribe to our newsletters and be a part of Vall d'Hebron Campus

The acceptance of these terms implies that you give your consent to the processing of your personal data for the provision of the services you request through this portal and, if applicable, to carry out the necessary procedures with the administrations or public entities involved in the processing. You may exercise the mentioned rights by writing to, clearly indicating in the subject line “Exercise of LOPD rights”.
Responsible entity: Vall d’Hebron University Hospital (Catalan Institute of Health).
Purpose: Subscription to the Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus newsletter, where you will receive news, activities, and relevant information.
Legal basis: Consent of the data subject.
Data sharing: If applicable, with VHIR. No other data transfers are foreseen. No international transfer of personal data is foreseen.
Rights: Access, rectification, deletion, and data portability, as well as restriction and objection to its processing. The user may revoke their consent at any time.
Source: The data subject.
Additional information: Additional information can be found at