Teaching Committee

The hospital manages specialised training through the Teaching CommitteeThe Teaching Committee is a collegiate body whose main role is to plan and organise residents’ training and to supervise its practical application as well as to monitor fulfilment of the training programme objectives for the different health sciences specialisms.

To achieve its objectives, the Teaching Committee facilitates the integration of residents’ training activities with the daily healthcare activity of the Hospital by planning professional activities in collaboration with the healthcare management bodies at the centre. The Strategic Training Plan and the Teaching Quality Management Plan are two essential tools to ensure quality and continuous improvement in the Hospital’s teaching work.

Teaching Committee Functions

Planning and organising training:

  • Approves the training programme for each specialisation based on the corresponding tutors’ recommendations. This programme must conform with the plan from the corresponding national commission for the specialisation, published in the official gazette (BOE) by the Ministry of Health.
  • Ensures that each resident of the accredited specialisations has their individual training plan and checks their suitability for the training programme with tutors.
  • Organises joint training activities for residents, especially for cross-cutting subjects.
  • Approves and encourages residents’ participation in courses, conferences, seminars and scientific meetings related to the programme.
  • Approves external rotations for residents at Vall d’Hebron and internal rotations for residents from other hospitals.

Supervision and assessment

  • Draws up the supervision protocol for residents and approves resident assessment guidelines.
  • Reviews and approves annual assessments.

Quality management

  • Draws up and approves the quality management plan for the training centre and supervises compliance with it.
  • Approves teaching quality indicators in each of the teaching units and also supervises compliance with them.
  • Ensures that suitable conditions are produced in all elements of the teaching units to provide appropriate training and to carry out training assessments of residents.


  • Communicates, through the different media available, notifications and decisions of the Teaching Committee.


  • Enables continuous professional development of tutors in teaching methodology and aspects related to the training programmes.
  • Participates in the accreditation and re-accreditation of tutors under the conditions established by the Department of Health.

General planning

  • Proposes teaching objectives to the Management.
  • Approves the centre’s annual training activities report, drawn up by the director of studies.
  • Reports on the centre's teaching capacity at least once a year.
  • Proposes that the corresponding management bodies adopt the necessary measures to provide the Teaching Committee and tutors with the material and personnel necessary to carry out their roles appropriately.

Relationship with other training levels

  • Approves training placements for professionals outside the period of specialisation, and makes sure they do not interfere with the specialised training.
  • Ensures suitable coordination between the university training in the graduate and postgraduate programmes and specialised training.

External relations

  • Approves the structure of the centre’s teaching units and the participation of hospital resources in external teaching units.
  • Proposes the signature of the corresponding agreements with the Management, via the director of studies.
  • Via the director of studies, maintains a relationship with the Advisory Commissions and the Teaching Commissions Network, with the Department of Health and with the Ministry of Health and Education, or any other competent body or any related to specialised training.
  • Submits the final and annual assessments to the National Register of Specialists in Training, as well as the results of their reviews and the corresponding resit periods.
  • Notifies the National Register of Specialists in Training about absences and other situations that affect the duration of the training period.
  • Proposes carrying out teaching audits to the competent bodies in the subject.
  • Issues reports on specialised training, on their own initiative or at the request of the administrative authorities.


  • All functions assigned by the Department of Health or regulatory provisions within specialised healthcare training.

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