Dra. Maria Antonia Poca Pastor

Institutions of which it is part

Children's Hospital and Woman's Hospital

Paediatric Neurosurgery

Head of Section

I have a degree in Medicine and Surgery and I’m a specialist in Neurosurgery. I finished the Doctoral Thesis in 1996. Since 1990, I work in the Neurosurgery Department of the Vall Hebron University Hospital. I am currently Clinical Head of Neurosurgery and responsible for the Pediatric Neurosurgery Unit. I am also an associate professor of the UAB and coordinator of the Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN) of the Vall Hebron Research Institute


Since 2008 I coordinate the Pediatric Neurosurgery Unit (NCP) of the HUVH, considered as a Reference Service (CSUR-NCP Complex) by the Ministry of Health since 2013. My clinical fields of greatest interest are: pediatric neurosurgery, hydrocephalus and other alterations of the CSF dynamics, brain trauma, craniocervical junction and skull base surgery, and neuro-oncology. I am accredited as a Senior University Professor by ANECA and in Advanced Research by AQUCAT. I have participated in advisory committees such as the Advisory Commission for Serious Polytrauma Patient Care (Generalitat de Catalunya) and the Emergency Commission of the Traumatology Area of ​​HUVH. I am a member of the Organizing Committee of the biannual International Symposium on Neuromonitoring and Treatment of Neurocritical Patients since 1994 and of the PICSmartCampus teaching platform (https://smartcampus.neurotrauma.net/), aimed at training in different aspects of neurocritical patients and patients affected by complex alterations of CSF dynamics. I also belong to the European Reference Networks on Rare Neurological Diseases (ERN-RND), ITHACA and CRANIO, in the latter I am responsible in our center and it is directed to craniofacial malformation pathologies. In relation to research, I am part of the multinational European projects CENTER-TBI, KidsBrainIT and BrainI2. My general indicators of the quality of scientific production are as of September 1, 2022: H-Index: 33; Sum of citations: 4998; Articles indexed in PubMed: 140; Book chapters: 55; Direction of doctoral theses: 8; Management of other research projects (master's, degree...): 16; Projects financed through competitive calls: 33 (9 as principal investigator); Health innovation projects: 24; Participation in national and international conferences: 519 (198 as guest speaker).
Maria Antonia Poca Pastor


Children's Hospital and Woman's Hospital

Paediatric Neurosurgery

Head of Section

Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Head of group

Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN)

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