Del genoma a la medicina de precisión en los trastornos del movimiento pediátricos

  Hotel Alimara. Calle de Berruguete, 126. 08035 Barcelona. —
01/12/2018 -- De 08:00h a 19:00h
Organització :
Servicio de Neurología Pediátrica del Hospital Universitario Vall d'Hebron
Modalitat: Presencial

The Department of Pediatric Neurology at Vall d'Hebron welcomes you to Barcelona from November 30th to December 1st for the pediatric movement disorders congress focused on genome and precision medicine.  

The congress is aimed at updating participants on most recent advances in genetic defects and pathophysiological pathways leading to movement disorders in the pediatric age.

From genome to the movement disorder phenotype, and from there to precision medicine, including gene therapy and deep brain stimulation, two examples of advaced technology applied to children care and diagnosis. 

The second day is focused on patients advocacies. Families of children with primary dystonia (i.e. myoclonus dystonia syndrome), neurodegenerative dystonia (i.e. neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation defects), neurometabolic dystonia (Glut-1 deficiency syndrome) and neurodevelopmental disorders leading to epilepsy and movement disorders (i.e. STXBP, GNAO1 and other early infantile epileptic encephalopathy genetic defects) will explain their needs at the same time that researchers will describe from an educational point of view the advances in research and therapeutics. 

The congress is addressed to neuropediatricians and adult neurologists with interest in movement disorders, and to family advocacies of children with movement disorders. 

English is the official language the first day of the conference. Spanish is the official language the second day to facilitate the participation of Family advocacy organizations from Spain. 

We look forward to meeting you. 

With our best regards,




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