Vall d'Hebron Talks by VHIR 'Cell therapy in transplantation: trials and tribulations'

 Vall d'Hebron Talks by VHIR
  Sala de actos de la planta baja del Hospital General — Ver en el mapa
20/12/2023 -- De 15:15h a 16:30h
Organización :
Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR)
Modalidad: Presencial y en línea

Speaker: Dr. Alberto Sánchez-Fueyo, MD PhD, is Professor of Hepatology, Academic Head of the Institute of Liver Studies at King’s College London, and Honorary Transplant Hepatology Consultant at King’s College Hospital.

His research has focused on understanding the mechanisms of immunological tolerance in transplantation and developing novel immunomodulatory therapies, for which he has received funding from MRC, NIHR, NIH and EU, among others. Additional research interests include the generation of genetically engineered regulatory T cells for immunotherapeutic purposes, which is now being pursued in collaboration with Quell Therapeutics, a King’s spin-off biotech which he contributed to found in 2019. 

Abstract: Organ transplantation offers enormous opportunities to manipulate the immune system for therapeutic purposes that have not been sufficiently studied. Dr. Sánchez Fueyo's seminar will address the use of cell therapies to modulate alloimmune responses in organ transplantation and describe the results of recent clinical trials in the context of liver transplantation.

Host: Dr. Oriol Bestard, head of Department of Nephrology and head of group Nephrology and kidney transplantation (VHIR). Transplant Center Seminar supported by eCORE AVANT.

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