Webinar VHIR - Dr. Jordi Piera "Clinical and diagnostic data management in the Catalan Health Care System"

  Activitat online —
07/10/2021 -- De 10:30h a 12:00h
Organiza :
Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR)
Modalidad: Presencial

Dr. Jordi Piera, Director of the Digital Health Strategy Office at Catalan Health Service

With roughly 7.7 million inhabitants, Catalonia has been considered a forerunner of eHealth adoption in Europe. Since 2009, a robust information exchange deployment has allowed health care providers within the public health system to share clinical information. Currently, the region is implementing a comprehensive digital strategy—it is just one of the few ambitious initiatives that is transforming health information systems in Europe. In this seminar we will deep dive on the strategy and focus in one of its key initiatives: the development of a new longitudinal Electronic Health Record building on the paradigm of open knowledge-driven platforms.

CV: Jordi Piera Jiménez is dually trained in Computer Science Engineering and Enterprise Management at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He also holds a Master’s degree in Telemedicine from Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

He started working in a service provider organization back in 2003, first as an analyst and software developer and secondly as the CIO. After a few years dedicated entirely to IT, his concerns for improving health and social care services through the usage of digital health solutions moved his attention to the research and innovation areas. In the academic field, Jordi holds various positions in different universities in Catalonia and abroad. Jordi is currently the Director of the Digital Health Strategy Office within the Catalan Health Service.

Amfitrió: Dr. Josep Quer, Malalties hepàtiques (VHIR)

El registre al seminari ja està disponible en aquest enllaç. La inscripció és gratuïta.


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