Platform for Innovation of Procurement and Procurement of Innovation

21/04/2022 -- De 11:00h a 12:30h
Organización :
PiPPi-platform and Vall Hebron University Hospital
Modalidad: A distancia

The PiPPi project team proudly invites you for the official launch of the PiPPi Community of Practice, initiated for all stakeholders in healthcare to identify and address ‘unmet needs’ together. Are you a stakeholder in healthcare innovation? Then start collaborating with the CoP on the PiPPi-platform. During the launch meeting we will start by addressing one of the challenges that PiPPi has identified:

Making sense of medical data

Register here [button to email] After registration you will receive the link to the launch meeting one day before the event. (If you have already registered after receiving the save-the-date, you don’t have to register again. If you have trouble opening the registration link, you can also register by sending an email to

Challenge: Smart patient monitoring reduces workload, improves quality of healthcare and reduces complications and costs. But monitoring systems are often expensive, incomplete and unsuitable for clinical use. While requirements and impact for end users, such as medical professionals and patients, are often insufficiently addressed.

Various clinical monitoring applications require different parameters, such as vital signs, mental condition, drain production, movement, wounds, pressure ulcer prevention, etc. Using different systems at the same time is undesirable for patients and for professionals who are evaluating the signals.

PiPPi invites physicians, nurses, patients, innovators, procurers, policymakers and all other stakeholders in healthcare to contribute their ideas about smart, integrated systems for patient monitoring and share these on the PiPPi-platform.

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Responsable: Hospital Universitario Vall d’Hebron (Instituto Catalán de la Salud).
Finalidad: Suscripción al boletín del Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus, donde recibiréis noticias, actividades e información de interés.
Legitimación: Consentimiento del interesado.
Cesión: Sí procede, VHIR. No se prevé ninguna otra cesión. No se prevé transferencia internacional de datos personales.
Derechos: Acceso, rectificación, supresión y portabilidad de los datos, así como limitación y oposición a su tratamiento. El usuario puede revocar su consentimiento en cualquier momento.
Procedencia: El propio interesado.
Información adicional: La información adicional se encuentra en