Webinar VHIR - Dr. Lluís Montoliu "Genome Editing in Biomedicine in 2021 and beyond"

  Ativitat Online —
04/10/2021 -- De 09:00h a 10:30h
Organitza :
Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR)
Modalitat: Presencial

Dr. Lluís Montoliu, Investigador Científico del CSIC- Departamento de Biología Molecular y Celular - Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB-CSIC)


Genome editing has become a standard method in many molecular biology laboratorios. Applications in biology and biotechnology have progressed and resulted in significant advances. However, progress in biomedicine is not advancing at the same desired speed. In this webinar I will review the state-of-art of the CRISPR-Cas technology and the likely evolution of future biomedical applications, according to the observed current findings and publications.


CV: Lluis Montoliu is a CSIC Research Scientist at the National Centre for Biotechnology and at the Spanish Research Initiative on Rare Diseases, in Madrid, Spain after working in Heidelberg and Barcelona. He is the Director of the Spanish node of the European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA/INFRAFRONTIER).


At the CNB, since 1997, he leads a research team interested in basic science (genome organization), and in applied biomedical science, using animal models for the study of human rare diseases, such as albinism. He has pioneered the in vivo use of genome-editing CRISPR approaches in Spain. He is the current President of two scientific societies ESPCR and ARRIGE and serves at the boards of additional national and international associations. He is the President of the CSIC Ethics Committee and serves at the Ethics Panel of ERC. Besides research, he is also interested in ethics, education and popular science.


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