Seminari d'Innovació (VHIR) "Presentation of successful cases in biomedical research entrepreneurship"

  Aula 114 del Mòdul Sud, Unitat Docent HUVH —
28/10/2019 -- De 10:00h a 11:00h
Organització :
Unitat d'Innovació, Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR)
Modalitat: Presencial

Dra. Judit Anido; Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) i Dr. Victor Franco Puntes; Principal Investigator of the group Cap CIBBIM-Nanomedicine. Pharmacokinetic Nanoparticles (VHIR)

"Presentation of successful cases in biomedical research entrepreneurship"

The VHIR’s Innovation Unit invites you to share the experience of these two outstanding sicentific entrepreneurs. Dr Anido has led the growth of Mosaic Biomedicals as CEO since its inception in 2012 until its merger with Northern in 2016, and as General Manager afterwards. Dr Puntes is ICREA Research Professor with joint appointments in VHIR and ICN2. He is co-founder of several spin offs, with special emphasis on “Applied Nanoparticles”.

Partipacion does’nt need previous registration, but the room has limited capacity

More information: Innovation -Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR) -Tel: (+34) 93 489 40 11


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