Vall d'Hebron Talks 'Talking about breastfeeding: Why, how and what are the costs of supporting breastfeeding through the healthcare system?'
15/06/2023 -- De 15:00h a 16:00h
Speaker: Dr. Maite Hernández Aguilar, doctor from the Complutense University of Madrid, specialist in pediatrics.
Why should we support and protect breastfeeding?
Research continues to increase our knowledge about breastfeeding. A living and life-giving act and fluid, that protects the person who produces it and the person who receives it in an irreproducible way, needed in the most vulnerable stage of the life, capable of positively modifing the future of each generation, and of protecting maternal, society and environment health. In the seminar we will talk about some of these new knowledge.
-How much does it cost to support breastfeeding through the health system?
We will talk about the cost-efficiency of investing in breastfeeding. We will discuss why the healthcare system remains so resistant to protecting breastfeeding and investing in policies that support and protect breastfeeding. We will explore how much does our healthcare system invest in breastfeeding protection and how insufficient investments also have a cost.
-How can the health system protect breastfeeding? We will explore the basic actions that the health system can carry out to support and protect breastfeeding.
Host: Dr. Fátima Camba Longueira, Pediatrician. Neonatology Service. Vall d'Hebron University Hospital.
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