Webinar IRISCAT -Dr. José Ibeas "Articifial intelligence in nephrology: a change in the paradigma"

  Activitat Online —
16/06/2021 -- De 16:00h a 17:00h
Organitza :
Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR)
Modalitat: Presencial

Dr. José Ibeas. Nephrology. Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí. Vascular Access Working Group of the Catalan Nephrology Society. Secretary of the Vascular Access Working Group of the Spanish Society of Nephrology. Interventional Nephrology working group of the Spanish Society of Nephrology. Vice President of the Spanish Multidisciplinary Group on Vascular Access (GEMAV). President of the Vascular Access Society.

In the scientific environment, decision-making is based on Evidence-Based Medicine, but the arrival of Industry 4.0 has made it possible to incorporate a new concept into medicine, Data-based Medicine. This represents a paradigm shift in medicine and in Nephrology in particular. There are new concepts that will modify from research to assistance as understood until now. Big Data, Data Mining, Machine Learning and all the methodology that is around Artificial Intelligence are generating a restructuring of multidisciplinary environments with the incorporation of data engineers with whom it will be necessary to understand. Both resources and infrastructures will require adaptation to new organizational models. How health projects are generated will have a new orientation. Ethics management and data security will change perspective. In this context, Nephrology is one of the fields where more data and more diversity are handled. In nephropathology, hypertension, chronic and acute kidney disease, transplantation and even in rare diseases, evidence of its usefulness is already beginning to accumulate. Are we ready for this paradigm shift? Because it has already arrived ...

CV: M.D, Ph.D. Master’s Degree in Evidence-based Medicine. Postgraduate in Big Data Processing and Artificial Intelligence for Life Sciences. Consultant at the Nephrology Department and Director of the Clinical, Interventional and Computational Nephrology Group of the Research and Innovation Institute of the Parc Taulí Sabadell Hospital Universitari, Barcelona [www.tauli.cat/cicn]. Member of the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of the Parc Taulí Hospital Universitari. Vice-President of the Spanish Multidisciplinary Group on Vascular Access (GEMAV) [www.gemav.org]. Past President of the Vascular Access Society (VAS) [www.vascularaccesssociety.com]. Chair of the Work Group for the Clinical Guidelines on Vascular Access of GEMAV, member of the European Vascular Access Guidelines Group of the European Renal Association (ERA-EDTA) and member of the Clinical Practice Guide on Chronic Renal Disease Group of the Spanish National Health System. Council of the Artificial Intelligence working group of the Spanish Society of Nephrology. Co-Director of the Master in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Health of Parc Taulí Hospital Universitari - School of Engineering of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (www.tauli.cat/ias).
The main areas of research focus on the study of biomarkers in advanced renal failure and hemodialysis, and in particular to vascular access. Respect basic/translational investigations, the main areas of interest are intima-media hyperplasia, inflammation biomarkers, infection, ultrasound surveillance and artificial intelligence. Promoter of NephroCloud software for vascular access management (www.nephrocloud.net) and Anais for Anatomical Interventional Simulation Models (www.anaismedical.com) for medical training.

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