Seminari VHIR - Dr. Javier Martínez Picado "Hematological stem cell therapy to cure HIV infection: so close, so far"

  Sala d'Actes, planta baixa, Hospital General —
30/04/2019 -- De 15:30h a 17:00h
Organització :
Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR)
Modalitat: Presencial

Dr. Javier Martínez Picado - ICREA Research Professor at AIDS Research Institute IrsiCaixa - Associated professor at UVic-UCC

"Hematological stem cell therapy to cure HIV infection: so close, so far"

HIV infection can be treated but not cured. If antiretroviral treatment is stopped virus rebounds in blood within a few days. This is due to the persistence of viral reservoirs despite the effective antiviral treatment. To date, the only evidence of a medical intervention that has been able to cure HIV-1 infection (the “Berlin patient”), involved an allogeneic hematological stem cell transplant (HSCT) from a donor who was homozygous for CCR5Ä32. The multifactorial mechanisms that led to such a unique outcome were not clear yet, mainly due to the scarce number of HIV+ transplanted subject that has been reported. The IciStem Consortium has compiled the first cohort of HIV+ individuals that have gone through a HSCT with a comprehensive clinical, virological and immunological follow up. Last month a second case of cure was reported within the IciStem cohort.

Host: Digestive and Liver Diseases


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